Saturday, May 7, 2016

Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell

Reading this felt like I'm eavesdropping on the family's life. I felt dirty but satisfied at the same time. 

While some stories lack character development, this is like a whole book of character development. It is THAT slow. Imagine describing each member of the family in one book. This is what Instructions for a Heatwave did. So since the pace is very leisurely, the reader has to be very patient to be able to appreciate the story. It's a pretty standard family drama story and each character were pretty ... standard ... family members as well. I think what I'm trying to say is this book will not blow your mind. It's something that will take your mind off something else, though.

This is my second Maggie O'Farrell novel (the first one was The Vanishing of Esme Lennox) and although I felt the same way I did when I read the first one, I find I like this book better. It's much lighter and much more engaging (hashtag juicy gossip).

Also, from the look and feel of it, it seems her trademark is an engaging story with an open ending? A VERY open one.

Three stars.

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