Monday, March 3, 2014

Not a review, nerd problems, new book loot, March books ... and random ramblings

A quote I read online said, "when all else fails, write what your heart tells you." But my heart never did make any sense ... so now I will write without sense. Right.

I'm in a pickle. Few posts ago, I wrote about my Goodreads target for 2014. That being: I'm going to read at least 2 authors I've never read before each month and their initial(s) should start with the month's initial. I've been doing okay so far and now it's March so time for M authors. I dug through my book pile and these are the choices I have. 
M Authors to choose from for March (and May)
Now, every time I finish my goal of the month early, I have room for any book I want to read. Enter Terry Pratchett. This is only my 10th book of the Discworld series and reading it last week made me want to read the other 30 I haven't touched ... but that would mean I will have to forget about my reading challenge. That's the problem. Do I continue with the challenge or with Terry Pratchett? Yeah ... this is me writing what's in my heart. I did say it didn't make sense.
So anyway, I've book scavenged a few times and haven't posted them here and I haven't back tracked to check so I'll just share the latest stuff I have. So, The Whisperer, Luuurve is a Many Trousered Thing, and Icy Sparks I got for 25pesos each at my favorite BookSale branch and The Baker's Wife I got for 115 pesos. I will have time to read all of these ...

 ... or Ill die trying.

John Saturnall's Feast by Lawrence Norfolk is my latest purchase. I have to admit the main reason I picked it up is the cover and the rough edges (that I didn't take a photo of and it's not with me right now so just imagine it, mkay?) and I mean rough, uneven edges it drives my friend crazy. This is Php680 at FullyBooked ... or is it Php640.

The Imperfectionist by Tom Rachman. Here's another book I initially picked up for the cover but ironically, this isn't even the cover that I like. Well, sort of. The one I first saw was paperback and has the same art but it had review blurbs filling up the rest of the cover. This one is hardbound and I have no idea how much it is because it's a present and I never really checked.

So there ...

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