Monday, March 31, 2014

Easy Peasy Leftover Recipe

Fusili with Broccoli and Chicken Casserole

This was originally a leftover recipe but I sometimes just saute and season chicken, and also make a new batch of alfredo or carbonara sauce when I feel like eating this. Lol. I think best left over chicken would be grilled or fried? I'm not sure if it would work with adobo but if you wanna try then go ahead ... please let me know how it turns out. Lol.

Leftover chicken, cut in bite size pieces
Leftover Alfredo/Carbonara sauce
Cooked pasta
Cooked broccoli
Shredded cheese (I used mild cheddar)

Mix all of the ingredients together.
Put it in a baking pan.
Add more shredded cheese on top (makes it colorful lol).
Chuck it in the oven for 10 minutes.

Easy peasy.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Not a review, nerd problems, new book loot, March books ... and random ramblings

A quote I read online said, "when all else fails, write what your heart tells you." But my heart never did make any sense ... so now I will write without sense. Right.

I'm in a pickle. Few posts ago, I wrote about my Goodreads target for 2014. That being: I'm going to read at least 2 authors I've never read before each month and their initial(s) should start with the month's initial. I've been doing okay so far and now it's March so time for M authors. I dug through my book pile and these are the choices I have. 
M Authors to choose from for March (and May)
Now, every time I finish my goal of the month early, I have room for any book I want to read. Enter Terry Pratchett. This is only my 10th book of the Discworld series and reading it last week made me want to read the other 30 I haven't touched ... but that would mean I will have to forget about my reading challenge. That's the problem. Do I continue with the challenge or with Terry Pratchett? Yeah ... this is me writing what's in my heart. I did say it didn't make sense.
So anyway, I've book scavenged a few times and haven't posted them here and I haven't back tracked to check so I'll just share the latest stuff I have. So, The Whisperer, Luuurve is a Many Trousered Thing, and Icy Sparks I got for 25pesos each at my favorite BookSale branch and The Baker's Wife I got for 115 pesos. I will have time to read all of these ...

 ... or Ill die trying.

John Saturnall's Feast by Lawrence Norfolk is my latest purchase. I have to admit the main reason I picked it up is the cover and the rough edges (that I didn't take a photo of and it's not with me right now so just imagine it, mkay?) and I mean rough, uneven edges it drives my friend crazy. This is Php680 at FullyBooked ... or is it Php640.

The Imperfectionist by Tom Rachman. Here's another book I initially picked up for the cover but ironically, this isn't even the cover that I like. Well, sort of. The one I first saw was paperback and has the same art but it had review blurbs filling up the rest of the cover. This one is hardbound and I have no idea how much it is because it's a present and I never really checked.

So there ...