Sunday, January 5, 2014

Of Suicides and Selfishness by Shmism ... A Review of Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Probably the only good thing about this book is the ending. You know? Because I can finally stop reading it!!!

Okay, the "lesson" Clay Jensen learned (if you even got to finish the book because I know people who gave up without even getting to half of it) was good too and that's one of two reasons why I even gave it a star. The other is that it wasn't badly written, but OMG this story! I wouldn't want my nephews to go anywhere near this book. If this is what teenagers read these days they might as well just watch crappy noon time shows. As if teenagers don't already think the world revolves around themselves and only themselves, we come up with literature like this. It's like giving them a reason to feel sorry for themselves instead of just SUCKING IT UP!!!

It's not like she did what she did because she had a mental illness. I had bipolar and manic depressive friends and even they don't have the need to lay blame. And they are some of the most misunderstood people in the world.

This is a very sensitive issue, I get it, but if each *coughselfishcough* reason this girl has for doing what she did is even an excuse I probably shouldn't be turning 31 soon. I would've killed myself a long time ago. A lot of us would've done so. I was a teenager too. KIDS! High school is not going to kill you. Well, it's not supposed to. Were the people in school mean to you, Hannah? Yes. Is that reason enough to kill yourself? Pft. You mentioned your parents were going through a tough time at the moment and that was hard for you ... What? Their only daughter committing suicide will make them feel better? I mean, you don't have to be the one to solve your parents' financial issues but you could at least NOT ADD UP! Plus! Guilt tripping? Seriously? You did admit you let them do what they did to you but you said if the listener is the last person on the tape then that person can go to hell. The last person (actually a few people, by the looks of it) tried to help you and you just misinterpreted his words ... why? Because you already made up your mind because you're selfish.

Here's a thought. When you die, are you sure people are going to feel guilty for not trying harder to reach out to you and help you and be there for you all the time? Are you sure they will miss you? How do you know they won't think: oh thank God, at least we don't have to deal with all the drama anymore!!!

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