Tuesday, March 31, 2015

James Potter and the Morrigan Web by G. Norman Lippert

If you're a Harry Potter fan and you haven't read this, you're doing yourself a disservice. I don't want to have to explain again how amazing I think this fanfic is anymore so just DOWNLOAD IT ... for FREE!!! I love how I didn't have to pay to extend my HP experience but I really hope this would come out in print and that Mr G. Norman Lippert gets paid. Yes, I know about copyright issues but *cougheEricVanLustbadercough*. For now, dear people, please buy this guy a coffee. Better yet, buy his non-JP works (that was what I did haha) here:http://www.jamespotterseries.com/. I mean, seriously.

Now, I am super sad to know that the author cannot promise to make another installment because life gets in the way. (That's why I said buy his other works. So he can continue writing more. Purely selfish reasons, I know. Lol.) All that being said, I think this is a good "ending" to the series. It didn't end per se. Like the author said, there's still a lot of story there. But some parts, somehow, gave me (so I'm assuming it would be the same experience for Potterheads) closure. Yes, I'm talking about the mirror of Erised. I wish he'd included Ron and Hermione in that scene, though.

Here are a few things I'd like to see on the possible installments: the "relationship" between James and Petra explained, George Weasley's spark and faith in magickind to come back, and more of the Snape paintings terrorizing James lol. 

I'd really like a JP #5, #6 and #7. :(

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